The Law Office of  

David Morgan Daniel   

In advocacy of your cause,
"We will do all that we see fit,
and for you,
that is everything, all,
that we believe can be done."

"Lex talionis"
"The Law of retaliation"

In the daily practice of Law, anticipating and embracing the future is everything, and this Law Office does just that in full measure. Permit us to put a contemporary legal vision to work for you.

Company Profile

We are a Silicon Valley Law office catering to the needs of clients who "need help today," as well as those who "needed help yesterday" yet did not know it. We do not believe in the oft stated assertion, "it is not real work unless you would rather be doing something else." Advocating for you is real work, and there is nothing else we would rather be doing.

David Morgan Daniel  is licensed to practice law in the State and Federal courts of California and is an active member of the State Bar of California.

David Morgan Daniel, JD, MA, BA

In Addition to the degree of Juris Doctor, David Morgan Daniel possesses a Master of Arts Degree in English Composition, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Asian Languages (Japanese and Mandarin Chinese).
California Bar Association - Attorney Records

"Fiat justitia, ruat caelium"
"Let justice be done, though the heavens fail."