The Law Office of  

David Morgan Daniel   

In advocacy of your cause,
"We will do all that we see fit,
and for you,
that is everything, all,
that we believe can be done."

"Lex talionis"
"The Law of retaliation"

Our Mission

Heaven knows these are trying times, but as your attorney we will advocate motions, argue legal constructs, challenge unjust laws and edicts, and entreat the appropriate authorities on your behalf. We cannot guarantee legal outcomes, but there will be indomitable pushback from our office, "come hell or high water."

Your Mission

It's clear and simple; in these trying times, as a prospective client you intend to hire legally and technologically competent attorneys at a reasonable price. As a law office we intend to be hired in order to deploy what we think to be a new way of thinking about law and justice, buoyed up by contemporary and future technology, and all at a reasonable fee.
Sure our machines are new, but it’s the jurisprudential thinking – at the Law Office of David Morgan Daniel we understand and wield the power of current law informed by progressive thinking about what the rule of law requires. Law changes and an attorney must have both the technical means and vested intent to keep up. We have the means and we are exercising our intent daily, but that's not all. Where ever possible, our office and its facilities are virtual (existing in cyberspace). That essentially means savings to you because it provides reduced overhead for us, which we pass on to you in reduced fees.

We have seen the techno-future in this noble practice of law,
and we have embraced it in full measure.
Permit us to put our contemporary legal vision to work for you.
"Termininus a quo."
"The end from which, starting point!"